the shadow searcher

Friday 10 September 2010

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?

Answer here

Sunday 30 May 2010

Rawwwr :3

Right so last night and the night before my sister had a friend stay over called Megan shes bisexual and was getting slated on form spring but instead of letting it effect her she was retaliating with funny remarks one of the examples was this
Omg you bisexual emo go slit your wrists and die

to this she replied lol i would but then i would go to hell and i don't want to your pig face everyday of my life
the person then replied what does that mean and it goes on and on till they posted yes well i know the fact that girls like men and men like girls to this she answered that's your opinion and in my opinion its people like you that are turning me this way so get ****** the person still hasn't replied.

i bet your thinking this is pointless i guess what I'm trying to say is don't let other peoples views change what you believe in its your belief and they should accept that if you believe something different or like something unusual then be proud of it because your special it doesn't matter on the inside were all the same were humans and nothing can change that
thanks for reading Mycro Shadow

Friday 28 May 2010

Temparary help site

All right im a help site again and for my help just comment and ill help im only checking once a day so ill get it some time after you post

lay it out llike this

my name is
nickname here

problem problem problem problem
please help
thankss and i hope i can help

Homophobes are evil

 OK i have a bisexual friend right and he was getting tormented and this next bit will sound really bad but i was laughing at first because these girls were saying how could he CHOOSE to be gay...
Well i decided to stick up for him but i got some really bad looks we were on a bus and i was shouting about how being gay is a natural thing that you cant choose and its not like a job were you can go into a boothe and find out everything you need too know to be gay....
this incident really upset me I'm not gay or bi but i think they should be treated fairly still, there human after all so homophobes are just stupid.
thanks for reading

Thursday 27 May 2010


Stairs are not for walking on as i found out today but for sitting , lying ,eating and climbing under also for making dodgy phone videos , also today i found out my ex has a new boy friend called jack i know this is nothing to do with the title but it really upset me i really liked her but she broke my heart but im kind of over her, well thats what im telling people but i miss her...

thanks for reading

Wednesday 26 May 2010

flying space monkeys

I know weird title but i was in R.E. today and i hate the subject so me and my best mates all agreed that we wished that flying space monkeys would invade the earth and eat all R.E. teachers and we would run from them until they started shooting banana ray guns at us then we agreed wed trip each other until only two of us could get on a rocket powered by a dog in a hat and a banana burner.
never again will i eat a banana the same...

who loves that advert of the guy and the phone? wow a dog in a hat :) :)!!!
thanks for reading Kyle "Lunar" Richmond